The primary responsibilities of the Engineering Division is the implementation of the County Capital Projects that include roadway and stormwater improvements, reviewing encroachment permits, and engineering and construction oversight for new facilities.

The Engineering Division also reviews all new development plans to ensure compliance with Dorchester County ordinances and design requirements. During construction, the Engineering Division monitors construction activities for stormwater compliance and quality control.

Why Manage Stormwater?

From flooding problems to water quality concerns, uncontrolled stormwater runoff has a significant impact on our community. Under the Federal Clean Water Act, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) issued a MS4 Permit (PDF) to Dorchester County requiring the establishment of a Stormwater Management Program.

Stormwater is not treated before it enters the rivers, creeks, marshes, and lakes (waterways) in our area. Pollution from vehicles, fertilizer, pet waste, and other household activities are also stormwater problems. When these items enter the drainage systems it can cause excess vegetation growth in ditches and ponds and affect drinking, fishing, and recreational waters. Federal Regulations, from the Clean Water Act, require the County to implement programs to help improve water quality in our surrounding waterways.


Complying with permit requirements, the County has developed a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) covering the following six components:

For any construction/land-disturbing activity in the County, stormwater permit submittals will need to be made to the County, as well as to SCDHEC for Coastal Zone Consistency (CZC) certification and NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP) coverage.