Dorchester County, SC website
Home MenuRidgeville-Givhans Growth Management Plan
The Ridgeville/Givhans area of the County, between Four Hole Swamp and Cypress Swamp, is currently experiencing tremendous growth pressure. The area is characterized by large tracts of land, rural homesites, and limited infrastructure. The majority of this area is zoned Agricultural Residential District which requires a one-acre minimum lot size that limits development to a more rural standard. Until recently, the Agricultural Residential District (formerly known as Absence of Controls District) allowed three units per acre as well as townhomes and apartments. Over the past two years, several text amendments have reigned-in what can be developed under the current zoning, but the County needs to be prudent about where and when rezonings are allowed. While residential growth in this area has been contemplated, particularly to support industrial growth along Highway 78, I-26, and the freight rail corridor, it needs to be incremental and done in a manner that does not overburden the County’s ability to provide services or lead to long-lasting negative financial consequences.
It is the intent of this document to provide an overview of previous and current commitments to this area, evaluate current and future infrastructure, and use this information to map out where current and future growth should be allowed.